Debra Quinn works with children of the court system as a guardian ad litem, but her passion is all about the family unit. It’s inspiring to hear her goals and aspirations in her field. We loved her flair too… we felt it was important to set her apart from the others and develop a brand that she’d not only be proud of – but was a statement in itself. The color study we completed for her, combined with her personal preferences produced a soft and inviting theme. How do you like the color choices presented here?

Author: Joseph Poirier
Joe built his first website in 2003. Way back then, he moved his Real Estate company into email marketing and then social media marketing on MySpace – yes, you read that right – MySpace. Since then, he’s stayed immersed with all digital marketing channels and is a guru at ‘all things Google.’ Analytics, SEO and simplifying/optimizing complex sales funnels are his passions in the digital world, while his daughter, fishing, and various non-profits rule his free time.