Website Goals:
Creating a fun and lively appeal, utilize branding color scheme and stay under budget for a new small business!
Website Achievements:
First – THIS WAS FUN! Working with an amazing woman, owner Kitty Gove was so rewarding. Thanks Kitty! So – as a new business owner, Kitty needed to keep a specific budget, yet we wanted to create a fun website that was future-friendly, secure, responsive on all devices and could grow with her. Mission accomplished. We developed a custom WordPress site and trained our client to make her own changes – so there’s no needed ongoing development costs. Simple, but secure hosting – and boom – 6 years later the website still looks great!

Author: Joseph Poirier
Joe built his first website in 2003. Way back then, he moved his Real Estate company into email marketing and then social media marketing on MySpace – yes, you read that right – MySpace. Since then, he’s stayed immersed with all digital marketing channels and is a guru at ‘all things Google.’ Analytics, SEO and simplifying/optimizing complex sales funnels are his passions in the digital world, while his daughter, fishing, and various non-profits rule his free time.